
Before registering in the project you must agree with the rules of our company.

General provisions

1.1 The project commission for withdrawal of funds is 0% of the amount withdrawn by the User.

1.2 The withdrawal of funds is possible only after processing your previous application.

1.3 by registering in our system, you agree with these rules in full.

1.4 The administration is not responsible for the possible damage caused to you as a result of using this system.

1.5 At the time of registration, the user must be at least 18 years from the day his birth.

1.6 Our service does not conduct any secondary activity with the investments of its users and does not expose them to the corresponding risks.

Rights and obligations of the user

2.1 for making money for your balance.

2.2 to inform and attract new participants to the system with various advertising methods: sites, themes on forums, social networks, etc.

2.3 send your wishes and reviews to the system in order to improve the system service.

2.4 follow these rules in full.

2.5 Carefully familiarize yourself with the terms of crediting and payments.

2.6 do not mislead the administration of the system by providing false information.

2.7 at least once every three days to get acquainted with these rules.

2.8 If faults are detected, or some errors in the site script, report to the support service.

2.9 do not make attempts to hack the site and do not use possible errors in scripts. When you try to hack, the administration has every right to remove, block or finish the user.

2.10 do not publish insulting messages, slander and other types of messages that spoil the reputation of the system or its users.

2.11 Do not create chains of 2 or more of the following registrations for the purpose of repeatedly obtaining refer. bonuses from each of the payments. If such chains are detected, the administration has every right to remove, block or finish the user.

The rights and obligations of the administration

3.1 In case of ignoring these Rules, the administration reserves the right to delete, block or finish the user account without warning and without explanation.

3.2 the administration may make changes to these rules without warning users.

3.3 If the user wrote false data in registration, then the administration has the full right to delete it, block or finish without warning and not pay funds until the data is corrected in the profile.

3.4 letters sent by administrations that have obscene content that carry offensive or threats will be ignored, and users are deleted.

3.5, when trying to mislead or deceive the administration, measures will be taken to remove, block or a fine of an account.

3.6 The administration undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the information of the registered user received from him during registration.

3.7 The administration is not responsible for the possible hacking of accounts. In order to avoid hacking, it is necessary to use complex passwords.

3.8 The administration is not responsible for possible losses as a result of the collapse of the system.

3.9 The administration has the right to restart the service with reversing any accounting data when the zero balance of the system account is reached.

3.10 In case of refusal to adopt new rules, the administration reserves the right to refuse the user to participate in our service.

3.11 official news related to the project are only the news published on this site.


4.1 Users can make any deposit.

4.2 The minimum amount of the withdrawal of funds from the system is: 1.00 USD. For some payment areas, individual conditions can be established for the minimum amount of withdrawal from the system and the service procedure.

4.3 The list of payment systems with which it is possible to enter and withdraw funds can be adjusted by the administration.

4.4 The withdrawal of funds occurs Instant. In the case of the provision of inaccurate, incomplete data on the withdrawal system from the client, the withdrawal of funds does not occur, and the application for the withdrawal is rejected before correcting or clarifying all inaccuracies and data.

4.5 applications for withdrawal of funds are accepted around the clock.